Upcoming Plans

Is it wrong, oh so wrong, that I want to go as Marty McFly from Back to the Future?

There are a couple of anime based costumes I want to do sometime next year.
Belldandy’s battle outfit – possibly an alternate colour
Princess Jupiter
Paine (don’t know which Paine yet)
Mikako (Paradise Kiss, Miwako’s older sister)

I think there was one more but I can’t remember it. Maybe another Urd in there somewhere, too.

Updates on THIS year’s costume list:
Got a bodysuit for Phoenix- once it gets here, going to start experimenting with airbrushing it. Have been messing with the wig but have GOT to get the hair straightener back from my cousin. I’m seriously going to kill her. She’s had it for half a year now. I remind her about it everytime I see her but she keeps forgetting it.
Shadowcat – again, bought a bodysuit! I hope it works – got something a little different.

MTAC was fun, but DAMN I’m beat! I don’t know how some of you can do so many one right after another. I’ve got a 2 month break until my next one… I’m going to try to finish off as much as possible til then – hopefully finish those two above, and my Ozma, and maybe even my Imperial Officer. Then I’ll have everything done for SDCC also and can spend the following 3 months on my other 2 Dragoncon costumes…